Cans and Containers
This range of products allow for easy storage and safe use of hazados and flammable liquids.They come in a range of sizes and uses. Alot of the products in this category will display FM approved, this means factory mutual approved. FM are a well known and respected third party testing and certification service in the area of property loss prevention products.
Flammable and corrosive liquids need save storage, and waste liquids need save disposal. The waste and safety cans provide the perfect use for this need. A mixture of steel and polyethylene products are on offer to suit different preference and need.
The safe storage of flammable liquids in the workplace requires careful consideration. The DangerousSubstances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR) require risks from storing dangerous chemicals inside to be controlled by limiting quantity of such substances to a minimum, and having contingencys in place in the event of an incident.
The Fire Triangle
There are 3 elements required for a fire to start. Heat-Oxygen-Fuel
Heat can be any ignition source which generates heat, such as a mechanicalspark, static electricity, lit match or cigerette.
Oxygen and Fuel are all around us. Both are controlled by leak tight lids with sealing gaskets that ensure fire cant get in and flammable vapours cant get out.
What are Flammable Liquids
Generically speaking, a flammable liquid has a flash point of 22°C to 55°C. The three main categories are flammable, highly flammable and extremely flammable.
Highly Flammable Liquids
These are liquids has a flash point lower than 21°C but are not classed as extremely flammable.
Extremely Flammable Liquids
GExtremely flammable liquids have a flash point lower than 0°C and a boiling point lower than or equal to 35°C.
When working with and storing corrosive and flammable liquids, its important to store them safely, and use them safely. In this section we offer a range of storage cans and containers for liquids to help safe storage.